pepperF1SH World Tour — current status overview

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By | February 6, 2017

You might have read about my announcement of the

pepperF1SH WORLD TOUR 2017

If not, have a look at the original post. In short: I want to send a pepperF1SH quadcopter around the world. The idea is simple, you can apply to become the next hop on the world tour by filling in a form. I will queue all requests and try to figure out the optimal next hop roughly every two weeks. You fly it, record and upload a nice video to your Youtube channel, and send it to the next participant.

Current status

Right now I am building the to-be-sent prototype. In the meantime the first applications arrived! Thanks for your interest. Right now there are applications from:

  • Australia
  • Bulgaria
  • Germany
  • Nigeria
  • Poland
  • Russia (2)
  • United States (3)

You still have time to apply, I am just finishing the final prototype. Do not worry about postage costs, I will optimise for short paths and I will jump in if we need an expensive continental transfer 😉 — so don’t hesitate, read the original post and apply now!

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