Category Archives: pepperF1SH

tinyOSD & tinyFINITY – a tiny opensource video tx with full graphic OSD

Merry belayed Christmas and a happy new year everyone. I know, I am running a tiny bit late. My original plan was to release the tinyOSD and tinyFINITY sources ready for Christmas but then the usual things got into the way and I had to postpone this post. But here it is: I am releasing… Read More »

tinyPEPPER2 ESC – How to build your own! [v0.4]

In this post I am going to share all the parts you need to build your own super tiny tinyPEPPER2 4in1 Blheli_S ESC. All the following information applies to the current version 0.4 of tinyPEPPER2 (tagged as revision 0.4). If you are wondering what makes this thing so special, have a look at the main… Read More »

A pepperF1SH and the Great Pyramid of Giza

All Giza Pyramids Ricardo Liberato, CC BY-SA 2.0 Today’s priceless question is: What does the pepperF1SH, the world’s lightest brushless quadcopter, and the Great Pyramid of Giza have in common? — Nope, I am neither talking about both being available as cheap clones from China nor about an illegal FPV flight next to this impressive… Read More »

Thrust-Test: Racerstar BR1103B 6000KV (rewound)

This is the third benchmark in a series of 110x motor thrust tests I will be doing in the next few weeks. You can read more about the background of those tests in my overview post. This time I will be testing the Racerstar BR1103B that I recently rewound to 6000 KV. Well, actually I… Read More »