tinyFISH FC — report of the first successful community built fc

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By | January 27, 2017

The first community built tinyFISH fc is alive! I recently got an email from the rcgroups user Sevo. HeΒ  successfully managed to assemble and flash his tinyFISH fc. Congratulations, this is the first report of a working replica from the community!

Even though he had no access to a microscope he managed to complete his build and flash the STM32 and the CC2510 with the appropriate firmware. After some rework on the gyro he finally ended up with a fully functional tinyFISH fc.

I think it turned out quite well! Here is a short excerpt of what he wrote on rcgroups:

… i want to share with you my progress so far with the FC assembly. It is really a tiny and a challenging soldering job for a hobby grade enthusiasts , the 0402 package size is really tiny and a some kind of microscope is a big advantage , i do not have one and it was really hard to see if everything is soldered in place correctly. First i decided to spread solder paste , lay the components and after that heat with my hot air gun, but traces are so small and i could not place paste evenly , but some kind of spots and it was a disaster : ) so i decided to go one by one , it was easier for me but there is a chance of overheating some of the components and burn them eventually….

See his post on rcgroups for the whole report.

Thanks for the report Sevo!

One thought on “tinyFISH FC — report of the first successful community built fc

  1. Sevo

    I really want to say A BIG THANK YOU to Simon , he has a big heart and will to share with us his wonderful ideas . Whenever i had some issues he was there to offer help and support. I encourage everyone to try this , the feeling at the end is great πŸ™‚ this hobby is amazing and it is giving me everything i need to spend my free time away from the busy and stressful work .


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