pepperF1SH – Part XV: new prototype teaser

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By | January 17, 2017


This post is the 15th in a series of posts about the adventure of building the world’s lightest brushless FPV quadcopter: project pepperF1SH.

Long time no update on the pepperF1SH… I was busy testing new prototypes. I did some tests for the smallest framesize possible. Right now it is 50mm motor-to-motor spacing and uses those Hubsan tri-blade propellers. Still need to decide if i will use 10000KV motors or 8000KV for this build. Here is a short teaser for the tiny version:

It looks like this thing is going to be 10% lighter… With lots of luck it might end up at ~30g (of course including battery!).

A 67mm spaced prototype is also in the works. That one will use 65mm props on 8000KV and has the potential for a ~4:1 ttw ratio. stay tuned for more!

11 thoughts on “pepperF1SH – Part XV: new prototype teaser

  1. Dirk digla

    Anyone have a built esc they will sell me,fc too while at I guess but firstly esc since a 16×16 fc is currently on market?
    Email me please if so,obviously I’ll pay for it.

  2. Jayson Wallis

    Great work! I have ordered parts and waiting patiently to proceed with building one (or two) of these. What thickness carbon are you using for your frames?



  3. Arne Gebhardt

    Yes they are 0402. I’ve orderd these:
    1469662, VISHAY CRCW04021K00FKED DICKSCHICHTWIDERSTAND 1K 1% 0.063W 0402
    1469669 VISHAY CRCW040210K0FKED DICKSCHICHTWIDERSTAND 10K 1% 0.063W 0402
    Just for those on ordering at HBE.

    Have you already DYS 2030 3blade props. tested? They don’t work well on my build and I have some spare. Are you interessted as a donation from me?

    1. fishpepper Post author

      Thanks for the offer. I think those would be too big for the 1S setup 😉

  4. Arne Gebhardt

    Hi, my basket on the HBE Shop is ready for order.
    Only the resistors 1k and 10k are not listed there. Is a 1% and 63mW type OK?


    1. fishpepper Post author

      Yes, 1% is fine. Make sure to order it in a 0402 package

    1. fishpepper Post author

      I updated the description with the link to the props i used. Motor spacing is 50mm 😉

  5. Firebug24k

    This looks great! I am following along and have ordered most parts to try and build one myself. Do you know when you might have the files for the 4in1 ESC available?


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