pepperF1SH – Part X: previous bumper design tested in real life

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By | January 4, 2017


This post is the tenth (wow!) in a series of posts about the adventure of building the world’s lightest brushless FPV quadcopter: project pepperF1SH.

The CFK arrived today — time to assemble the previous bumper cage prototype! It turned out to be a bit lighter than calculated: The whole assembly parts weight only 2.83grams:

The bad thing is that this is close to the capabilities of extrusion printers, I think I will order those parts from shapeways as well. This could save some more weight as I can design them with thinner walls (0.7mm VS 1.0mm).

Enough numbers, let’s see how it looks assembled:

Much better than the previous prototypes! If you look closely the screws are still missing. Those will add another 0.15grams. If you subtract the weight of the hotglue on the old camera holder prototype you end up with <35grams AUW – copter, battery and bumper cage.

Even though this sounds quite good, I will continue the hunt for weight savings… I have some titanium M1.6×2 motor mounting screws on the way to me, this should save ~0.4grams for all eight screws (compared to the inox M1.6×4 I use now).

2 thoughts on “pepperF1SH – Part X: previous bumper design tested in real life

  1. Jerome Demers

    Why did you not eventy space the support arms? You have 2 at the front and 2 at the back.


    evenly space, like one a noon, one a 3pm, 6 pm and 9 pm

    falling on the side will flex more.

    1. fishpepper Post author

      The round frame design had holes at those places 😉 Anyway this bumper design was way to complicated and weak. The round one is much better.


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