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A cheap stereo microscope for fine pitch SMD soldering

When building my tinyFISH fc and the tinyPEPPER ESC I was faced with soldering 0402 sized components. That is quite tricky to do manually, a stereo microscope helps a lot! Do not go for a monocular scope, 3D relly helps a lot. As this is just a hobby project and I am running on a… Read More »

tinyFISH FC – open release!

I just released the tinyFISH FC design files to the open public! See the tinyFISH project page for details. Do whatever you like with the files but make sure to stick to the license (i.e. releasing all derived work under the same license and giving proper credit). Enjoy!

tinyFISH FC – How to build your own! [revision 0.1]

NOTE: This version is outdated, it refers to tag v0.1. There is a newer release (v0.2), please have a look at the corresponding post here. In this post I am going to share all the parts you need to build your own super lightweight tinyFISH flight controller with an integrated, FrSky compatible rx. All the… Read More »

tinyFISH FC – BOM [rev 0.1]

NOTE: This version is outdated, it refers to tag v0.1. There is a newer release (v0.2), please have a look at the corresponding post here. This is a BOM of the parts you will need in order to build a revision 0.1 of my tinyFISH flight controller. The part numbers from farnell are there for… Read More »

pepperF1SH – Part VII: a new 3D printed camera and battery mount

pepperF1SH This post is the seventh in a series of posts about the adventure of building the world’s lightest brushless FPV quadcopter: project pepperF1SH. I updated the camera and battery mounts as i decided to order them from Shapeways. I added the option to add a camera protector (aka cable tie) and thinned some walls.… Read More »

Using openocd and a ST-Link V2 to debug betaflight on a STM32F3

During development of my tinyfish FC i used the st-util gdb bridge for debugging. I had some issues using it, mainly unstable usb communication etc. Therefor i switched to openocd. Recently i have read a lot about the very nice blackmagic probe, the best part is that the firmware can be flashed into the cheap… Read More »

pepperF1SH – Part VI: new prototype & testing some flips

pepperF1SH This post is the sixths in a series of posts about the adventure of building the world’s lightest brushless FPV quadcopter: project pepperF1SH. I finished a new prototype of my pepperF1SH today 🙂 Its total weight including FPV gear and a 1S 200mAh battery is 32.4grams — yay! With having a new toy to… Read More »

pepperF1SH – Part V: Numbers, Numbers, Numbers!

pepperF1SH This post is the fifth in a series of posts about the adventure of building the world’s lightest brushless FPV quadcopter: project pepperF1SH. I just finished one 0.8mm FC, one 0.8mm ESC, and received the new frame prototype in 0.8mm cfk. Now it is time for some real measurements! That looks much better than… Read More »

pepperF1SH – Part IV: 3D printed camera and battery mount

pepperF1SH This post is the fourth in a series of posts about the adventure of building the world’s lightest brushless FPV quadcopter: project pepperF1SH. I designed a small and lightweight camera and battery holder. The camera and vtx combination will be mounted on top of the ESC and FC stack. A real pro does not… Read More »

pepperF1SH – Part III: new frame

pepperF1SH This post is the third in a series of posts about the adventure of building the world’s lightest brushless FPV quadcopter: project pepperF1SH. After doing some more hover tests (2:30 @35g = 87mAh — yay!) and thinking about how to mount parts i came up with an improved frame design: For the motors I… Read More »