OpenGround – Part 11 – CC2500 adapter board

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By | October 8, 2016

This is the 11th post of my series documenting the development of a custom firmware for the FS-i6s transmitter.

CC2500 adapter

In order to remove the mess of cables inside the modified transmitter, i designed an adapter pcb to adapt the CC2500 transceiver module to the pads on the transmitter pcb. It’s no rocket science but makes the modification a lot easier and cleaner.

OpenGround - CC2500 adapter pcb    OpenGround adapter PCB
This module will be first soldered to the transmitter PCB and then the cc2500 module will be soldered on top of it.

I released the schematics and hardware design as open hardware. I made the pcb with kicad, you can find the files on my github repository. For easy reproduction i shared the project on osh-park, you can order the pcb here. Please note that i did not verify the layout yet! So you either wait for a positive test or your order on your own risk 😉 OSH-Parks makes very very high quality PCBs. They come around 7$ for 3 boards including shipping from the US.

3 thoughts on “OpenGround – Part 11 – CC2500 adapter board

  1. Kyle

    Hi! I’m excited for this project, and have been silently following along for a while.

    Have you verified that the board layout is correct, yet? I’ll be receiving my TX soon, and would love to put these on order so I can get to work as soon as everything comes together!

    Thank you,

  2. luno

    Does this board support the Turnigy Evolution?

    Kind regards,

    1. fishpepper Post author

      No, there is simply no space for it. You need to wire it with manually with flying wires.


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