This is the 10th post of my series documenting the development of a custom firmware for the FS-i6s transmitter. This is just a quick update on my progress.
Radio protocol
The radio link is functional. It is not tested thoroughly and is missing a lot of safety features, do not use it right now! Transmission works and telemetry packets are received but not parsed yet.
I did some work on the user interface. See the following video for some impressions:
I bought a FS-i6S one week ago. More or less it is ok. Some more telemetry would be nice.
The GUI of your project looks fine – does it only works with changing the original TX-module to this CC2500?
And afterwards the modified FS-i6S works with FrSky receivers?
OpenGround will need the CC2500 module. And yes, afterwards it is FrSky only